So I keep looking at one picture from my wedding and it makes me tear up with joy every time I see it. Daniel has turned my life upside down. He has made me the happiest women ever. I keep getting comments from people like "marriage looks good on you" " You glow" "Marriage makes you shine" People it isn't being married. It's being married TO Daniel. He makes me so stinking happy. I look at his face and look into his eyes and see my future. I know it's hard for most people to see how we could possibly love each other only having spent 15 days together EVER in our lies thus far. But honestly truly I am so happy. Because Dan is back in Iraq and I'm still living here with female roommates, and sometimes it feels like a male roommate as well (my roommates fiance is ALWAYS here if she is except when she sleeps) Nothing feels different. I don't feel married I don't feel like I have been married over month now. But then I see that picture and I feel overwhelmed with peace that this is where I need to be in my life, that Daniel is the man I love and want to be with for time and ALL eternity. I see the picture and know he is home. He is my world.
Quote for the Day: "If Music be the food of love, play on"
- Duke Orsino
Twelfth Night Act 1 Sceen 1 Line 1
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