Monday.... What a day
I'm re-writing this post due to the fact that I have no more upset feelings. No need to write in anger yet sometimes we all say things we wish we hadn't luckily since mine was on a blog I was able to erase and start over.
Monday truly was an interesting day. Work wasn't so bad. The ladies were all pretty chill. Then I got to come home and get ready for my grandparents old couch my new couch. Good memories on that couch! Then back to work. Grandma and I went from work to Jackson's baseball game. They were playing my Jr. High It's a Jr. High Rival game. Stapley Sabercats vs. Poston Panthers. My cousin plays for Poston and played 2nd base last night. He had a great night! His team however.... sadly lost 12-2. At the bottom of the 4th I believe Panthers were coming off the field and an assistant coach went after one of the boys for something and used the F word. Some parents and grandparents of another player started yelling for the assistant coach to be thrown out of the game. The assistant coach was asked to leave and then came up into the stands and started yelling at the parents and grandparents. MY dad stepped in and played peace maker.... like he always does. after that there was one more to bat and the game was over. There were a lot of hard feelings and bad moods amongst some of the adults last night. but at least there was something to watch haha. Left there and went to my grandma's to pick up the couch. (I was so excited). My dad met me there and he and my grandpa loaded it into the bed of my truck and dad and I drove over to the apt. I brought up the cushions and moved the table the whole time my roommate and her fiance are just sitting watching a movie. I had to call a head and ask her to turn the AC off. She thought it needed to be on a night with a low of 60. Anyway, dad and I get the couch up the stairs and my dad doesn't seem to think I know what I am doing. Even though I had just moved my old couch out. Plus I remembered what needed to be done so it would make it easier on my father. I told him the open part where the cushions would go needed to be up with the back of the couch down. After trying to explain it several times my roommates fiance decides he'd do better than me. I was quite certain I had it. He finally went back and sat down. I got my dad to understand and we got the couch inside just like I knew we would one it was at the angle I had described. Got it in set it down and my dad and I went downstairs to talk. It was an interesting conversation. then I went back upstairs finished putting the cushions back on it and moving the coffee table. Then went in my room. and cleaned up my room. I was able to make some space and today I'm moving the TV and the stand it was on into my room since they are mine so I can watch stuff in my room and not interfere with what anyone else is doing. It'll be nice to watch movies in my room and not strain my eyes to watch it on the computer screen. It's beautiful outside. It's 55 out with a high of 87 and another low of 60..... partly cloudy with lots of chance of happiness today! Super excited!
"Today is a new day. Live it to it's fullest"
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