Thursday, April 29, 2010
as of late
This week has been a week of progress minus the fact I got strep throat. I'm excited tomorrow is Friday! I am excited for some sleep... hopefully. I haven't been sleeping well I guess that's part of having my husband gone. I miss him so much. I love crawling into bed next to him because the first thing he does is wrap is nice toasty feet around my ice ones. I LOVE IT!!!! Today was an interesting day at work. I didn't go in this morning due to strep throat and not wanting to pass it to the ladies. I had my dad call me in a prescription so I wouldn't have to miss too much work. I got there tonight and my boss acted like she didn't believe me. Luckily I showed up because about 10 minutes after I got there She got a call saying one of the men over at her other care home had passed. That amazed me. SO today was kind of sad. He was a sweet man. Darwin Gunnell. He had a car shop real close to my house. More drama with my ex roommate. It's over now. Even if she thinks she's right and I'm wrong I know the truth as does Heavenly father. I've been watching prison break (TV series) It's pretty amazing. I'm in season 4. Mothers day is coming up! I can't wait to be a mom.... I mean I can I'm not ready for that. I want some time with my sweet Daniel first. Then eventually. I'm ready for it to be August o I can go be with my husband again.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday and Friday

Rough day yesterday. 6 hour shift at work then home to a house full of anger. My roommate that I was having drama with has now moved out! But She was not a happy camper yesterday. She was finishing moving the last of her things. And then once she was gone I rearranged the furniture! It has opened up the apartment a lot. It's also clean now! It's amazing! I love coming home to a clean apt. Today was a good day. a little drawn out but still good. Glad to be home. I miss my sweet husband but it wont be much longer! I can't believe it's almost the end of April already. I took Daniel to the airport just over a month ago. It amazes me. Daniel makes me so happy. I can't wait for it to be August so I can see him! Life seems so insignificant without him around. It's funny how we have only spent 15 days together from point when we started talking a year and 2 months ago to now. It amazes me that I can be so in love with him miss him so much and only have spent so little time with him. I love you Dan! Always and Forever!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
water under the bridge

So my roommate is finally moving. All the drama will finally be over! I got so excited today when I saw her packing up so tonight when she left I started pulling all her kitchen stuff out and putting it in bags so she can leave sooner. I have work overnight tonight. It isn't so bad. I love the twins and their mom. She has been a great help to me. Given me lots of military wife advice (her hubby is Air Force) and roommate advice. I love having people who can help! I hope I can be as good a friend to other girls when I become older!
"If you look for the bad in others you WILL find it"
-Abraham Lincoln
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Cereal and Laundry

Work was work... haha better than yesterday. Overall today has been a good day. Got a new wireless router and a new shower curtain for my bathroom.... one of my roommates is moving out and the router and shower curtain are hers so I bought new ones so when she moves I don't have to worry about it. Now I am chilling in my room watching the old TV show Alias with Jennifer Garner, eating fruit loops and waiting to move laundry. I lead an exciting life... not really!
"Be who you want to be and not what everyone else thinks you should be!"
Monday, April 19, 2010
baseball and couches

Monday.... What a day
I'm re-writing this post due to the fact that I have no more upset feelings. No need to write in anger yet sometimes we all say things we wish we hadn't luckily since mine was on a blog I was able to erase and start over.
Monday truly was an interesting day. Work wasn't so bad. The ladies were all pretty chill. Then I got to come home and get ready for my grandparents old couch my new couch. Good memories on that couch! Then back to work. Grandma and I went from work to Jackson's baseball game. They were playing my Jr. High It's a Jr. High Rival game. Stapley Sabercats vs. Poston Panthers. My cousin plays for Poston and played 2nd base last night. He had a great night! His team however.... sadly lost 12-2. At the bottom of the 4th I believe Panthers were coming off the field and an assistant coach went after one of the boys for something and used the F word. Some parents and grandparents of another player started yelling for the assistant coach to be thrown out of the game. The assistant coach was asked to leave and then came up into the stands and started yelling at the parents and grandparents. MY dad stepped in and played peace maker.... like he always does. after that there was one more to bat and the game was over. There were a lot of hard feelings and bad moods amongst some of the adults last night. but at least there was something to watch haha. Left there and went to my grandma's to pick up the couch. (I was so excited). My dad met me there and he and my grandpa loaded it into the bed of my truck and dad and I drove over to the apt. I brought up the cushions and moved the table the whole time my roommate and her fiance are just sitting watching a movie. I had to call a head and ask her to turn the AC off. She thought it needed to be on a night with a low of 60. Anyway, dad and I get the couch up the stairs and my dad doesn't seem to think I know what I am doing. Even though I had just moved my old couch out. Plus I remembered what needed to be done so it would make it easier on my father. I told him the open part where the cushions would go needed to be up with the back of the couch down. After trying to explain it several times my roommates fiance decides he'd do better than me. I was quite certain I had it. He finally went back and sat down. I got my dad to understand and we got the couch inside just like I knew we would one it was at the angle I had described. Got it in set it down and my dad and I went downstairs to talk. It was an interesting conversation. then I went back upstairs finished putting the cushions back on it and moving the coffee table. Then went in my room. and cleaned up my room. I was able to make some space and today I'm moving the TV and the stand it was on into my room since they are mine so I can watch stuff in my room and not interfere with what anyone else is doing. It'll be nice to watch movies in my room and not strain my eyes to watch it on the computer screen. It's beautiful outside. It's 55 out with a high of 87 and another low of 60..... partly cloudy with lots of chance of happiness today! Super excited!
"Today is a new day. Live it to it's fullest"
Sunday, April 18, 2010

So Sunday! Loved Church! Great talks about temple work! Super excited to get my endowments out! I start Temple Prep Wednesday! WOOT WOOT!!!! Sunday nights traditionally with my Mannes side of the family (dad's side) is card night or game night. We have gone through series of games, ticket to ride... hearts... hand and foot... now POUNCE! It is like team solitaire racing against other teams! So stinking fun! I pounced for the VERY first time which means I got all 11 cards out of my hand before anyone else. 11 cards doesn't sound hard but trust me it is! I am an official pounce player now. So excited about that one! I love family game night. Even if I don't play I love just being around my family. It's always a laugh about something!
Quote today:
"I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich."
~Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H
Saturday, April 17, 2010
For all who want to see and hear my song that Daniel wrote for me and used to propose to me with here is the youtube link!!! Enjoy
Here Check this site out too!!!! If you don't want to stand behind our troops feel free to stand in front of them!
Maybe it's cause I'm a military wife but it made me cry!!
I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
Roy Croft
Roy Croft
Friday, April 16, 2010

So today was a good day. I worked and got to see one of my EFY kids for lunch then back to work. I found out one of the ladies I cared for at work passed away in her sleep. 2 days from today is her 80th birthday. Peggy was a great woman. Full of life spunky always keeping us on our toes. One day she even escaped out the front door yelling "Police Police" She was strong willed and super funny to talk to. She always made me laugh. Peggy was Peggy and I loved being around her! Hope everyone had a swell day! I'm off to bed.
Quote for today:
-Oscar Wilde
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today is tax day. I think that makes most people shake if they haven't got it done. I'm very lucky that my father has done mine the last 5 years. Now I have a husband to do them for me hahahaha Today was another long day at work. It must be either a new moon or a full moon because half the ladies at the house are acting up. It's strange. One keeps trying to escape. One thinks we are STILL trying to kill her. Some just walk around like they are in a trance and others sit down and sleep almost the whole day away.
Hope you all got your taxes done.... Have a GREAT day
Quote for today:
" The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. "
~Mother Teresa

So.... I got busy yesterday and didn't write anything. But mostly it was just another busy day. I had the twins I used to watch over night during the day for about 3 hours then I went to work at the home health care place. It was a little nutty. One of the ladies thinks we are trying to kill her. I feel bad because she is a sweet lady. She has even bit my employer several times when she was trying to giver medicine. Breaks my heart.
Quote for yesterday
"You may be one person to the world, but the world to one person"
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So I keep looking at one picture from my wedding and it makes me tear up with joy every time I see it. Daniel has turned my life upside down. He has made me the happiest women ever. I keep getting comments from people like "marriage looks good on you" " You glow" "Marriage makes you shine" People it isn't being married. It's being married TO Daniel. He makes me so stinking happy. I look at his face and look into his eyes and see my future. I know it's hard for most people to see how we could possibly love each other only having spent 15 days together EVER in our lies thus far. But honestly truly I am so happy. Because Dan is back in Iraq and I'm still living here with female roommates, and sometimes it feels like a male roommate as well (my roommates fiance is ALWAYS here if she is except when she sleeps) Nothing feels different. I don't feel married I don't feel like I have been married over month now. But then I see that picture and I feel overwhelmed with peace that this is where I need to be in my life, that Daniel is the man I love and want to be with for time and ALL eternity. I see the picture and know he is home. He is my world.
Quote for the Day: "If Music be the food of love, play on"
- Duke Orsino
Twelfth Night Act 1 Sceen 1 Line 1
Monday, April 12, 2010
Picture day

So I got wedding pictures from Maria Nissen our wedding photographer. I was so excited. I posted about 70 of them on facebook but there are 595 pictures.... holy stinking hannah. Dan hasn't even seen them all yet. He's only on page 20. They are some beautiful pictures though. Got a chance to talk to Dan today on skype. I love it!
I had a nice day at work and when I say nice I don't mean easy. it was an interesting day. Our newest lady Peggy got out the front door and started yelling for the police. For those who don't know I work in an assisted living home called Angels home health care. we have 11 ladies with some sort of alzheimer or dementia. I love working there the ladies are so fun and they tell some funny stories!
Hope everyone else's day was good! I think I will try to find a quote for every day...
Today's Quote is: "Nothing is set in stone, till you're 6 feet under that stone"
- Me
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wedding pics by Maria Nissen
Pictures are UP!!!!!! here is the link! Maria Nissen is an amazing photographer! I'd suggest her to anyone!
1 month
So far Dan and I have been married 1 month today. Still in love as we were in November 2009 when we decided to get married. Ok since most of you who will read this blog have NO CLUE how Dan and I met or any of our story except that we are married now. So here it is. Our story started February 2009. We met on LDSsingles, yeah the dating website. I know nutz! But we did it. We started emailing back and forth all cuz I sent Daniel a flirt on the site saying "You're Hot". We emailed on the site for a while then when we began to trust each other we exchanged email address and began a fun pen pal relationship. Then in August while I was still working as an EFY counselor. Daniel and I, even though we had never physically met, decided to date. In Novemeber of 2009 we decided we wanted to get married. We had plans that for the time we would wait for Dan to come home in May for his Rest and Relaxation (R&R) to decide everything for sure. Come December the Army does what it does best and changed dates on us. Dan was now coming home in March. So we continued to plan for a wedding but it was to be in November of 2010. Again the army changed plans on us around the end of January beginning of February. So we changed our wedding plans, even though we had still never met, for March when Dan was home for R&R. We began making arrangements. needless to say families were unhappy as well as were the rest of family and friends. One because we were not getting married in the temple and two because we had STILL never met in person. We knew it was hard for people to understand our love but we did and still do love each other. So Finally came the time for Dan to come home. I drove up to Salt Lake City Utah to meet him and bring him here to Arizona so we could get married.
We met on Friday the 5th of March at his grandmother's house. She was hosting a family get together for dinner. The first time I saw Dan I didn't think I was meeting a stranger or anything else for that matter. i felt like I was looking at the love of my life. The man I wanted to marry. finally the rest of the family started to arrive and Dan and I had a small moment alone standing in the kitchen. We kissed! It was so perfect. WE drove back to Arizona that Sunday and picked up his parents my new in-laws Tuesday at the airport. Once we picked them up we went out to eat to RA sushi. Dan's father and I share a strong love for uncooked fish (as Dan so nicely puts it). Wednesday was spent putting final touches on the wedding and having a HUGE family dinner so everyone could meet Dan. The next morning I was up by 6 getting hair and make up done between 7 and 9 and to the Wright house by 915. Now in my small knowledge of weddings the bride should be the one running late. In my case I was early. I was there ready for family pictures before anyone else. After we took our family pictures the wedding party all changed and then it was wedding picture time. FINALLY after all the wedding pictures were over it was time to get married. President Ostler one of my favorite people said a few words then began the ceremony. It was simple and beautiful. Then it was time to greet the crowed as man and wife. I am so happy to be Mrs. SGT Daniel Clayton Fordham. Or as he calls me Allie Fordham.
Since we have now been married 1 month life is good. I miss my husband terribly. After only being married for 10 days I had to take him back to the airport so he could go back to Iraq and serve our country. Love my husband so much and can't wait to be reunited with him come August!
Till next time
Allie Fordham
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